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前田さん、高橋さん最終講演/Minato Maeda and Gou Takahashi Final Seminars


 この日は参加できませんでしたが、齋藤さんは大学1年生のときから研究室に来てくれて、神経系の研究を始めるきっかけを作り、進めてくれました。お茶の水女子大学との関わりを持つきっかけともなりました。前田さんはCOVID-19パンデミック最盛期に研究室に加入し、細胞1つずつの中で起きるゲノム編集結果の解析を推進してくれました。そして高橋さんは、研究室の黎明期から研究員として研究室を支えてくれました。Amplicon sequence解析、配列ランダム化DNAライブラリ作製、iPS細胞の肝細胞分化系導入、など高橋さんが始めてくれたことは枚挙にいとまがありません。研究室の雑用もこなしてくれました。大きな戦力喪失ですが、キャリアアップに最善の選択であれば、応援するだけです。

 3人とも今までありがとうございました。それぞれの進路で活躍するのを期待しています。ここでの経験が少しでも役に立つことを祈りつつ。Bon Voyage!!

Once again this year, those who are leaving our laboratory gave their final lectures. They talked about their early lives, path to the present, and future. Every year, even though they have been in the lab, we learn new information about them at the very end.

Although she was unable to join us on this day, Saito-san has been a part of our lab since she was a first-year undergraduate student, and helped us start and advance our research on the neural system. She was also the reason for my involvement with Ochanomizu University. Maeda-san joined our lab at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and promoted the analysis of the genome editing outcomes in single cells. Takahashi-san has supported our lab as a researcher since the very early days, and has initiated many projects including amplicon sequence analysis, the creation of randomized DNA libraries, and the introduction of the differentiation protocol of iPS cell into hepatocytes, to name just a few. He also of course performed miscellaneous tasks in the lab. It is a huge loss, but we just support him if it is the best choice for his career advancement.

We greatly appreciate all three of you for your efforts. I look forward to seeing you all succeed in your respective career paths. I hope that your experience here will help you. Bon Voyage!!


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