石黒 啓一郎博士の医学研セミナー/Institutional seminar by Dr. Kei-ichiro Ishiguro
熊本大学教授の石黒 啓一郎博士による医学研セミナーを主催しました。前々から一度まとまったお話を聞きたいと思っていたので、待望のセミナーとなりました。MEIOSINの発見をきっかけにして、一気に減数分裂に関与する遺伝子群が見つかって、ものすごい勢いで解析が進んでいるところです(私の理解が正しければですが)。思ったよりも減数分裂の割と基本的なところがまだ解明されておらず、そこに迫っていく内容がとてもおもしろかったです。
I hosted an Institutional Seminar by Dr. Kei-ichiro Ishiguro. He discovered MEIOSIN, which has ignited his recent research on a series of new genes involved in meiosis. I learned that a lot of apparently basic things still remain elusive, but his research really tackles these issues. The talk was very clear and exciting.
My first ever real research was on meiosis in fission yeast. I was an undergraduate student in the Masayuki Yamamoto's lab at U Tokyo. Fission yeasts have a special meiotic gene, Mei2. If you express Mei2 in fission yeasts undergo meiosis, regardless. Whenever and whatever.
Dr. Ishiguro graduated from the same department as I did, but I had never met him while he was a student. He came from the US to be a staff scientist in the Yoshinori Watanabe's lab at the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences at U Tokyo, and I met him there, as I was at the same institute as a graduate student. He continues his research since then, and now it flourishes.