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立教大学で講義 / Lectures at Rikkyo University





I gave a two lectures at Rikkyo University thanks to the invitation by Dr. Maiko Higuchi. I knew her since we were both at Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, the University of Tokyo. Later, we were again both in San Francisco in 2012 doing our postdocs. I happened to know that the lab next to the Higuchi Lab is the Iwakawa Lab. Dr. Hiro-oki Iwakawa is also from the same Institute at the U Tokyo. Indeed that Institute was great (but now it is gone).

I am familiar with the Ikebukuro station, as I grew up using the Seibu Ikebukuro line. However, I had never been to that area before. It is a great location, and Rikkyo University is beautiful.

The lecture was 2 x 100 min!! That reminded me that lectures were long when I was a student. However, the students there were very enthusiastic and asked a lot of good questions. Perhaps, I got the most questions from audience ever (except some events for elementary school kids). That was great. I hope I was able to leave something useful in their brains through my lectures.

After the lectures, I had dinner together with the Higuchi Lab members. We had a good time. Thank you so much for this opportunity.


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