29th The Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments Meeting/第29回日本動物実験代替法学会
I gave a talk at 29th The Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments Meeting at Kyushu University. That was my first visit to Kyushu University. This meeting used to be more for people from pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies, as there has been a growing need for alternatives to animal experiments or tests. That part is still there, which is unfamiliar to me to be honest, but now the meeting has sections for more scientific topics such as ES/iPS cell biology and tissue engineering. I enjoyed talks in the session in which I gave one as well. Because I heard of Dr. Hayashi's work in Nature Podcast before, I was looking forward to his talk. The movie showing egg cells maturating in vitro was spectacular. Dr. Gotoh's effort to generate aspirator organ cells from iPS cells is impressive too. I thank Drs. Kanda and Furue for giving me that opportunity. I also had chance to chat with Dr. Kojima who got his PhD in the same lab (Miyajima Lab) as I did. I learned how to start and manage a lab, as he started his lab recently. Overall, it was a great meeting for me.
第29回日本動物実験代替法学会で口頭発表をしました。九州大学に行ったのは初めてでした。この学会は動物実験に代わる手法の必要性の高まりから、以前はより製薬会社や化粧品会社の人達に向けたの学会だったそうですが(もちろんそういう話題も沢山あったのですが、正直私には不慣れな話でした)、現在はES/iPS細胞や組織工学的手法などのより科学的なトピックも取り上げられています。私はES/iPS細胞のセッションで話をしたのですが、同じセッション内の発表を大変興味深く聞くことができました。林先生の卵細胞をin vitroで分化誘導させる研究の話はNature Podcastで聞いていたので、とても楽しみにしていました。in vitroで卵が成熟して行くビデオは圧巻でした。後藤先生の呼吸器系の細胞をiPS細胞から分化誘導する研究もとても印象的でした。ご招待いただいた諫田先生と古江先生に感謝です。