One-Day Lab Trip to Hakone/箱根へ日帰り研究室旅行

最近忙しくてなかなかここに書けず、もうほぼ二ヶ月前になってしまいましたが、箱根に日帰りで研究室旅行に行ってきました。本当は泊まりでどこかに行きたいところですが、子供がいるとなかなか難しいです。 フォレストアドベンチャー箱根というところで、滑車を使って谷川渡りみたいなことをしたりするアスレチックに行きました。ずっと木の上にいる感じでした。全員無事完走しました。みんな元気です。
We went to a one-day lab trip to Hakone almost 2 months ago now. I had been too busy to write this up here. I would love to go an overnight-trip, but it is difficult when you have kids.
We went to Forest Adventure Hakone, which is sort of an adventure playground. We enjoyed Tarzan swings and canopy ziplines there. I felt we were up in the trees all the time. We all finished the course. We are good.
On the way back, we took lunch at Odawara. (By the way, every time I saw "Odwalla" juice when I was in the US, it reminded me of Odawara.) I liked the seafood rice bowl very much. I was busy around this time, well, actually, I feel I am always busy, but it was a great idea to take one day off. It was a nice refreshment for me and hopefully all of us. I am thinking of a next place to go.