ノバルティス科学振興財団設立30周年記念祝賀会 / The NOVARTIS Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science, the 30th Ann
基調講演は坂口志文先生と本庶佑先生でした。坂口志文先生は、私が大学院生だったときに同じCRESTに所属していたため、お話を聞いたことが以前にもありましたが、その頃からさらに研究が大きく発展し、洗練されているのに感動しました。本庶佑先生のご研究内容はもちろん見聞きすることはあったのですが、先生ご自身のまとまったご講演を聞くのは初めてでした。内容は圧巻でした。お二人とも研究内容を私がここに記すまでもないと思いますが、ご講演の中でご自身の研究の歴史に触れてくださったので、私もこの先研究を続けていく上でのとてもよい勉強になりました。 食事も美味しかったです。ありがたいことに、最近こうしたパーティーの機会が増えていて、明らかに食べ過ぎています。
I attended the 30th Anniversary Ceremony of the NOVARTIS Foundation (Japan) for the Promotion of Science, as I am one of the recipients of their research grant. As I wrote several times here previously, these private research grants provide us with a lot of flexibility. Therefore, I think they are more valuable than their actual amounts. Especially, it would be horrific if we did not have any of these grants at the end of fiscal year (, that is, March). Indeed should we really stop some experiments for one or two months without these grants? I am scared. Therefore, I thank these private foundations such as the NOVARTIS foundation, and confirmed that I have to keep trying to get these grants. Drs. Shimon Sakaguchi and Tasuku Honjo gave the keynote lectures. When I was a graduate student, the Sakaguchi lab and our lab were in the same funding program (CREST), so I had a few chances to hear his talks. I was impressed with his current studies, which have been greatly expanded and more and more sophisticated since then. Of course, I had heard of Dr. Honjo's work before, but this was my first time to listen to his own lecture. His research is even overwhelming. I do not think I have to describe their studies here, but both Drs. Sakaguchi and Honjo presented the histories of their research, so I could learn a lot to continue my research.
The party was good. The food was great too. Fortunately (or unfortunately), I am having more and more opportunities for parties like this, and I have been obviously eating too much.