宮島篤教授退任記念講演会&祝賀会 / Retirement (well, not really) Ceremony for Dr. Atsushi Miyajima

I attended the retirement ceremony of my PhD mentor, Dr. Atsushi Miyajima. The ceremony had two parts. The first was a symposium by the alumni of the lab, and the second was a dinner party. It was a great honor for me to present at the symposium as one of the alumni. I reviewed the days I spent in the lab in my talk. I felt I've come this far since then as I talked along with well established scientists like Dr. Hara from our Institute. At the same time, it proves Dr. Miyajima's excellence to mentor students or young scientists. I do not think this mentorship ability is really considered enough when people evaluate a PI in Japan. While I was in the US, I felt that PIs get a lot of credit for having great alumni that carry out high-quality science as independent scientists. Instead in Japan, it seems like people only look at PIs' own achievements, and some PIs even do not like good people in their labs leaving to become independent. Dr. Miyajima ran a lab for more than 10 years in the US, so he is somewhat more international, I think.
I met some friends after so long, and enjoyed the party. My friends are doing well in their fields (it is perhaps true that people who are not doing well did not come to the ceremony). The food was great. I ate too much again. I have not learned from past experience.
Dr. Miyajima is undergoing forced retirement from the current position (that is the rule), but staying physically at the same place and continues his research, which is good. The Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences will be reorganized though.
I will visit the lab again soon to collaborate, to receive some reagents, or to just hang out there.