都医学研都民講座 / Public Seminar by Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
「iPS細胞を用いた疾患研究・治療法開発の最前線」というテーマで、都民講座を開催しました。 隣のラボ(米国山中研)に留学していた、理研の林洋平さんにお願いして話していただきました。林さんと私は大学の同級生だったのですが、大学にいた頃はお互いにその存在を知らず、留学先で初めて知り合いました。林さんはこの4月から、筑波の理研BRC、iPS細胞高次特性解析開発チームのチームリーダーに就任され、研究を進めています。適材適所、という言葉が相応しいかと思います。
We organized an Institutional public seminar entitled "Frontiers of iPS Cell Research". I invited Dr. Yohei Hayashi from RIKEN as a guest speaker. Yohei and I did our postdocs in the Yamanaka and Conklin labs, respectively, which are next to each other at Gladstone Institutes (well, more precisely, the order is the Conklin lab, the Bruneau lab, and the Yamanaka lab, but very close anyway). We graduated from the same university in the same year, but we got to know each other when we were postdocs. Yohei started his own lab at Tsukuba, RIKEN from this April. Right person for the right job.
Yohei talked about his projects using patient-derived iPS cells, and I talked about our projects utilizing genome editing in iPS cells. I hope the audience could appreciate that a lot of progress has been made toward applications of iPS cells such as drug discovery. Because it was a public seminar, we tried to avoid jargon as much as possible. The responses were quite positive overall, but it is true that some people felt that the topic was too difficult to understand. We will improve our presentations (although it may be impossible to get 100% satisfaction from everybody). It is our obligation to make our work public as we use the tax money, but at the same time, it is very difficult to convey our research to non-scientists. I need to train more.
We got good questions on applications, ethics, and research of iPS cells, which showed their strong interests in iPS cells. I reaffirm the greatness of Dr. Shinya Yamanaka as well, as iPS cells are this popular in Japan.
By the way, the official name of this public seminar is "Seminar for the Citizens of Tokyo", although anybody can attend. Actually, it seems that 20% of the audience live outside of Tokyo. Our Institute is largely supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and I truly appreciate that. However, we are also supported by Japanese Government as well as some other organizations. I do not think the Tokyo citizens would be angry even if people outside of Tokyo attended the seminar. They are nicer than that. I personally think just "Public Seminar" would be a better name.