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Lab Ski/Snowboard Trip to Kawaba Ski Resort / 川場スキー場へ研究室スキー/スノボ旅行

 川場スキー場に行ってきました。一昨年の水上宝台樹、昨年のハンターマウンテン塩原に引き続き3回目のスキー/スノーボード旅行でした。天気はあいにく少し雨が降りましたが、なんとか最悪ではない程度には持ちこたえました。今年は研究室に来てくれている学生も参加してくれたため、一気に人数が増えて平均年齢が下がりました。遠慮なく研究室行事に参加してくれてありがたいです。  私が学生だったときも自分で企画して研究室で行っていましたが、あの頃の自分はもう少しだけ身軽だったので、基本一泊二日旅行でした。北海道に二泊三日なんて年もありました。夫婦共働きで子供が3人いる今は、バスで朝発日帰り旅行です。しかし、せっかくだから一泊したい、というご意見もいただきました。来年は、泊まりを考えます。妻と相談です。


We went to the Kawaba Ski Resort. This was our third lab ski/snowboard trip. The first one was at Minakami Hodaigi Ski Resort two years ago, and the second one was at Hunter Mountain Shiobara last year. Unfortunately, it rained a bit, but was not horrible. This year, three undergraduate students joined the trip for the first time, which made the group much bigger and younger. We were happy to have them this year.

When I was a student, I also organized lab ski/snowboard trips in the lab. I was a little bit more flexible back then, so those trips were overnight ones. We even had a three days two nights trip to Hokkaido once. Now that I have three kids and both my wife and I work everyday, my choice is one-day bus trips. However, I hear some participants prefer an overnight trip, which is understandable. I will try next year. I will talk to my wife (and pay off somehow, yeah of course). I enjoyed snowboarding this year for the first time in a while. I had some sore muscles, but it was a nice relaxing moment in busy days. I hope everybody enjoyed the trip too.

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