日本ゲノム編集学会第4回大会@東京 / 4th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing

I attended the 4th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing. The meeting was held in Tokyo for the first time this year, so I went through multiple one-day trips. Fortunately, the meeting site was not far away from home, which was nice. Both Dr. Shuji Takada who is a former mentor of Dr. Kato in our lab, and Dr. Masato Otsuka who is a former mentor of Dr. Takahashi in our lab presented in the first session. I reconfirmed the synergy we have in our projects. Dr. Masato Kinoshita's talk on genome-edited sea bream was very interesting. I would like to taste it. Also, Dr. Isao Oishi's approach to utilized genome-edited chicken eggs for protein production was very promising. I thank Drs. Osamu Nureki and Hiroshi Nishimasu for their tremendous effort to organize the meeting.
This time, both my wife and I participated in the same meeting at the same time. This had never happened before because of our children's school and day care, but we could make it because it was in Tokyo. It should be very rare to give a talk at a meeting, and hear opinions on it from my wife later at home. I could not show our project on technological advancement of genome editing this year, so I hope I can share the data next year.