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小学生チャレンジスクール めざせDNAマスター / Elementary School Kids, Special Class "Aim to Be a DNA Master"


 地元の小学生向けに、DNAについて学び、DNAの長さをアガロースゲル電気泳動で調べる実験をしてもらう企画を開催しました。前半の講義では、DNAがA, T, G, Cの4種類のヌクレオチドでできていること、A, T, G, Cの並び方が遺伝情報として機能していることを説明しました。大きめの分子模型も使って、有名なDNAの二重らせん構造の特徴も見てもらいました。




 タイトルにもあるように、みんなDNAについて学び、実際に実験をして、DNAマスターに近づいたと思います。ゲノム編集技術によって、完全に思いのままにDNAのA, T, G, Cの並び方を操れるのがDNAマスターだとすれば、実は私もまだDNAマスターになれていないので、これからも日々修行します。


I organized an event for elementary school kids, in which they learn about DNA and perform agarose gel electrophoresis to analyze the size of DNA. In the first half of the event, they studied that DNA consists of 4 deoxyribonucleotides, A, T, G, and C, and the sequence of them functions as genetic information. The kids also observed the molecular structure of the famous double helix of DNA by using a large plastic molecular model.

I explained that the sequences of the four deoxyribonucleotides are slightly different in different people, and these differences give physical characteristics and individual characters, and sometimes cause genetic disorders. Moreover, by analyzing DNA sequences specific to different people, we can use DNA to identify and distinguish them, which is used as "DNA identification". In this event, the participants analyzed the length of DNA that is variable in different people to identify specific person by agarose gel electrophoresis as a training for "DNA identification".

Everybody successfully applied samples into wells of agarose gel carefully using a pipette and tips. One of the fundamentals is "the left hand stays relaxed" ("the right hand stays relaxed" for left-handed people). It is basically the same for shooting in basketball. For your interest, I am left-handed for fine movements such as writing, and right-handed for sports. Therefore, I use pipettes by the left hand and shoot basketball by the right hand (which does not matter at all).

It was nice to see all the participants enjoying the event. It is always refreshing to see kids excited about what they are doing in experiments. I hope I continue to give this kind of opportunities for kids to touch science to foster future scientists. I know I, as a current scientist, have to thrive by myself as well...

The title of the event was "Aim to Be a DNA Master", so they have got closer to the Mater. If a DNA Master means a person who can edit the DNA sequence completely at will, I actually have not reached there yet either, so I will do my best to get there. To organize the event, I got a lot of help from Nippon Genetics who provided us with their experimental equipments so I thank them. I also thank the lab members, the parents and guardians, and, most of all, the kids who participated in this event. We also other events organized by our Institute such as Science Cafes, so I hope they will come to these events as well.

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