2023 Year-End Review / 2023年総括
2023年は、研究室から初の大学院生の筆頭著者論文を発表することができました。また、Methods論文も1報と、共著も1報発表できました。まだまだ足りていませんので、2024年も努力します。毎年言ってますが。査読中が1報あり、書き始めているものも1報あるので、やれるはずと信じて進みます。学生さん達の受賞、フェローシップ獲得、学会発表もよかったです。学生さん達の方が、私より活躍してるかもしれません。2023年は、やっとコロナ禍が一区切りして、いろいろなことが元に戻った年でした。久し振りに出張が入り、2019年以来の海外であるタイにも行きましたし、熊本にも行きました。研究室でスキー旅行や、釣り&BBQ旅行にも行くことができました。GraceをSummer Internとして迎えることもできましたし、学部生さん達が新しく研究を手伝いに来てくれるようになり、新たな出会いがあったのも良かったです。
Good things in 2023:
Paper on the results of providing therapeutic molecules for Fabry's disease from transplanted iPS cells published.
Protocol paper on a method to isolate large numbers of genome-edited cultured cell clones published
Filed one patent application
Minato Maeda and Lanyu Huang won the Best Presentation Award at the Institute's presentation meeting
Kayoko Shinozaki won the President's Award
Ittetsu Nakajima has got fellowship X2.
Kayoko Shinozaki has got a fellowship
Minato Maeda and Lanyu Huang had a poster presentation and a short talk in a real in-person meeting.
Things that need to be improved in 2024:
Paper (every year)
Grant (every year)
Effective use of the patent
In 2023, we were able to publish the first ever paper led by a graduate student from our lab. We also published one protocol paper and one co-authored paper. We still need more, so I will do my best in 2024, although I say this every year. I have one paper under review and one that I have started to write, so I believe that we can do it. It was great to see the awards, fellowships, and conference presentations by our students. They might have been doing better than I have. I felt that the year 2023 was the year when the COVID-19 pandemic finally came to an end and many things returned to normal. I had business trips for the first time in a while and went to Thailand, my first overseas trip since 2019, and also to Kumamoto. We were able to go on a ski trip and a fishing & BBQ trip with our lab. We welcomed Grace as a Summer Intern, and new undergraduate students to help our research. It was great to meet new people.
In 2024, I will continue to aim to obtain research funding for stable research activities, as we did in 2023. It nearly became difficult financially, but with everyone's hard work and cooperation, we managed to get through it. I will make every effort to have a little better situation. Also, for the first time in 2023, the number of people in the lab decreased from the previous year, and it will further reduce in 2024. I hope that we can be an attractive laboratory that people will want to do research with us.
It was also good that we were able to apply for a patent. I would like to explore various possibilities in 2024 so that we can make effective use of them. I would also like to publish a paper on the contents of the patent as soon as possible.
I wish everybody a healthy and even better year in 2024.