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2024 Year-End Review / 2024年総括








宮岡が日本再生医療学会総会 優秀演題賞受賞


中島さんが8th Fabry Updateで口頭およびポスター発表

安田さんがNeuro2024とCold Spring Harbor Meetingでポスター発表











学生さん達が学会発表できたのもよかったです。中島さんは私も参加したHamburgでのFabry Updateにて口頭発表し、その後壇上でのパネルディスカッション方式の質疑応答までこなしました。初の海外発表にしてはかなり難易度高めでしたが、立派でした。安田さんもCold Spring Harbor Meetingにて多くの経験を積んできたようですし、篠﨑さんと今村さんも分子生物学会で活発に議論できたようです。私もシンポジウムのオーガナイザーをしたので、福岡で2人の学会での様子が見られてよかったです。



Good things in 2024:

Paper on analysis of Histone and Cas9 fusion molecule published.

Obtained the highest research funding in the lab history

One patent application was submitted for examination (through international application)

Daisuke Matsumoto joined as a staff scientist

Many undergraduate students joined as interns

Two joint research projects with Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital started

Miyaoka received the Best Presentation Award at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine

Kayoko Shinozaki and Yuga Yasuda have got fellowships

Ittetsu Nakajima gave oral and poster presentations at the 8th Fabry Update

Yuga Yasuda presented a poster at Neuro2024 and Cold Spring Harbor Meeting

Kayoko Shinozaki and Kanata Imamura presented a poster at the Molecular Biology Society of Japan

Things that need to be improved in 2025:

Paper (every year)

Grant (every year)

Effective use of the patent

Themes and human resource allocation

In 2024, we achieved the highest total amount of research funding since the start of the lab, which is a good result because I reflected on the biggest economic crisis in the lab history in 2023 and focused more on acquiring research funding. However, I still could not reach the so-called large grants, so I will continue my efforts. On the other hand, I have to take seriously the fact that we published only one paper. I was also relieved, though, that Dr. Kato reached the publication of a paper again while having and raising two children since her last paper, which was wonderful. One paper is currently under review and another one is in the process of being written. I will devote myself to publishing them in 2025. I know in my head that it is important to move early, so I have to just do it.

For the first time since our laboratory started, we experienced a turnover of staff scientists. We had to extend the recruitment period, but I am glad that Dr. Matsumoto joined the lab. He is getting used to his new environment, so I look forward to his further success in 2025. In addition, I am glad to see more undergraduate students coming to the lab, which has increased the energy in the lab.

It was also good that students were able to gave presentations at the conferences. Ittetsu Nakajima gave an oral presentation at the Fabry Update in Hamburg, which I also attended. He also participated in a panel discussion-style question-and-answer session. It was quite challenging for his first overseas presentation, but he did a great job. Yuga Yasuda has gained a lot of experience at the Cold Spring Harbor Meeting, and Kayoko Shinozaki and Kanata Imamura had a lively discussion at the Japanese Society of Molecular Biology Meeting. I was also a symposium organizer in that meeting, so I was glad to see them both at the meeting in Fukuoka.

In 2024, we were also able to start collaborative research projects with medical doctors at metropolitan hospitals, something that had never happened before. Two joint research projects were started at once, and it gave us a valuable opportunity to bring our lab's activities closer to the clinical field. We are still preparing for the experiments, but we hope to develop them into a full-scale project in 2025. In addition to these two projects, we have other collaborations with some companies. Therefore, for the first time, I clearly realized that we do not have enough people for the lab's activities. I feel that we need to carefully reevaluate how we assign people to each theme. This is not a bad problem. It is better than having no themes, of course.

I hope that 2025 will be another good year for all of us, with good health first and foremost, and with the development of research projects.


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