Daiki Kondo Final Seminar/近藤さん最終講演

近藤さんが修士課程を無事に終えて、製薬業界に羽ばたいていくことになりましたので、最終講演をしてもらいました。研究室生活だけでなく、近藤さんの人生をを振り返る、非常に中身の濃い講演となりました。ゲノム編集結果の1細胞単離を介した解析では、大車輪の活躍で論文も投稿に至りました。私と出身高校が同じという縁もありました。研究室で学んだことをこれからも生かしていってほしいと思います。Bon Voyage!
As Daiki Kondo graduates from his master's degree program and starts in the pharmaceutical industry, he gave his final seminar. He reviewed not only his lab life but also his entire life so far in his seminar. That was interesting and informative. He really drove the analysis of genome editing outcomes in clones derived from single cells. The results of these experiments have been submitted to a journal. He and I also happened to be both alumni of the same high school. I hope that what he learned in the lab will help his career. Bon Voyage!