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Archive: News

2023. 6. 16.

Ittetsu Nakajima is awarded the Takuetsu Fellowship!!


2023. 6. 16.

Large-scale cloning method for cultured cells using On-chip SPiS is published.

On-chip SPiSを用いた大規模培養細胞クローン単離手法をSTAR Protocolsで発表

2023. 6. 15.

Seminar presented at ddPCR World 2023 (6/9) is now accessible online (3rd plenary talk).

ddPCR World 2023 (6/9)の講演が公開されました(宮岡の発表はPlenary Sessionの3番目)

2023. 5. 15.

Our paper on transplantation of genome edited iPS cells into mice to deliver therapeutic molecules, mNAGA, for Fabry disease in vivo are out at Cell Transplantation.

- Press from TMiMS.

マウス生体内で、ゲノム編集iPS細胞からファブリー病治療分子mNAGAを提供する試みをCell Transplantation誌で発表


2023. 3. 25.

Kayoko Shinozaki wins the President's Award of Nihon Univeristy.

さんが日本学 学長賞受

2023. 2. 27&28.

Lab ski trip to Madarao.

2023. 2. 21.

Lab introductory video is out (only in Japanese)!


2023. 1. 23.

Contribute to an introductory book for genome editing.

2023. 1. 9.

Interview of Anri Saito as a representative graduate student is out at the Institution's website (in Japanese).


2023. 1. 3.

Results of transplantation of genome edited iPS cells into mice to deliver therapeutic molecules for Fabry disease in vivo are out at bioRxiv.


2022. 12. 2.

Analysis of combinations, types, and frequencies of genome editing outcomes in individual human cells is out at iScience.
-Press release from TMiMS



2022. 11. 25.

Lab trip to Mt. Takao


2022. 10. 19.

Ittetsu Nakajima is selected for the Futaba Scholarship!!


2022. 9. 21.

Genome edited iPS cell-based study on pathogenic mechanism and therapeutic approaches of Wilson's disease is out at Human Molecular Genetics- Collaborative project with Dr. Yohei Hayashi at RIKEN BRC.
ゲノム編集iPS細胞を用いた、ATP7B変異によるウィルソン病発症機序解析結果と、治療法開発に向けたアプローチをHuman Molecular Genetics誌で発表 ー 理研BRC林洋平博士との共同研究東京都医学総合研究所からのプレスリリース理研からのプレスリリース

2022. 7. 28.

Yuga Yasuda is selected for the Yoshida Scholarship!!


2022. 5. 25.

Yuga Yasuda wins the Dean's Award of Department of Science and Engineering, Chuo Univeristy.

安田さんが中央大学理工学部 学部長賞受賞

2022. 5. 20.

We take lab photos.


2022. 4. 1.

Lanyu Huang joins the lab as a graduate student. Kayoko Shinozaki, Yuya Yasuda, and Kanata Imamura start thier BS theses in the lab.


2022. 3. 6.

Our analysis of genome editing outcomes at the single cell level are out at bioRxiv.


2022. 2. 8.

Daiki Kondo wins the best presentation award in the Institutional poster presentation competition.


2022. 1. 15.

Comment on iPS cell therapy in Yomiuri Newspaper.


2021. 11. 25.

Anri Saitoh wins the Ochanomizu University Outstanding Student Award in Biology.

齋藤さんがお茶の水女子大学 生物学優秀学生賞受賞

2021. 11. 18.

Kanata Imamura and Yuga Yasuda join the lab as interns.


2021. 11. 10.

Miyaoka answers a question on liver regeneration in Kodomo no Kagaku (Kids' Science magazine).


2021. 11. 3.

Genome edited iPS cell-based study on pathogenic mechanism of cardiomyopathy by RBM20 mutations is published in Nature Communications.

We revealed surprising smilarlities between cardiomyopathy and neurodgenerative diseases such as ALS (PDF).

Press relsease by Cincinnati Children's Hospital.

ゲノム編集iPS細胞を用いた、RBM20変異による心筋症発症機序解析結果をNature Communications誌で発表


共同研究機関であるCincinnati Children's Hospitalによるプレスリリース(英語)

2021. 10. 5.

A review on CRISPR-Cas9 by Nakajima and Miyaoka  is published in Clinical Immunology & Allergology (in Japanese)


2021. 9. 1.

Miyaoka is now affiliated with Ochanomizu University as an associate professor

宮岡がお茶の水女子大学大学院人間文化創成科学研究科 客員准教授になりました 同大学院から研究室に参加可能です

2021. 8. 10.

Genome edited iPS cell-based study on pathogenic mechanism and therapeutic approaches of Wilson's disease is out at bioRxiv - Collaborative project with Dr. Yohei Hayashi at RIKEN BRC.

ゲノム編集iPS細胞を用いた、ATP7B変異によるウィルソン病発症機序解析結果と、治療法開発に向けたアプローチをbioRxivで公開 ー 理研BRC林洋平博士との共同研究 

2021. 6. 28.

We take lab photos.


2021. 6. 4.

Genome edited iPS cell-based study on pathogenic mechanism of cardiomyopathy by RBM20 mutations is out at BioRxiv.


2021. 6. 3.

Kayoko Shinozaki joins the lab as an intern.


2021. 5. 26.

Comment on genome editing in Yomiuri Kids' Newspaper


2021. 4. 1.

Anri Saitoh (officially) and Minato Maeda start their BS theses in the lab.


2021. 2. 27.

Dr. Miyaoka together with Dr. Md. Shamsuzzoha Bayzid and Dr. Clara Li are awarded Interstellar Initiative (AMED, NYAS) Outstanding Presentation Award

宮岡がDr. Md. Shamsuzzoha BayzidとDr. Clara Liと共にInterstellar Initiative (AMED, NYAS) Outstanding Presentation Awardを受賞

2021. 2. 26.

Book about genome editing applications is published. Miyaoka and Kato wrote about off-target detection/analysis and mosaicism, respectively.

第3章 2節 ゲノム中のオフターゲット領域の予測と変異検出による対応策の執筆を宮岡が、第3章 4節ゲノム編集で起きるモザイク現象とその対策を加藤が、それぞれ担当したゲノム編集技術を応用した製品開発とその実用化(技術情報協会出版)が出版

2021. 1. 12.

Minato Maeda joins the lab as an intern.


2020. 12. 9.

Hitomi Yako joins the lab as an intern.


2020. 10. 30.

We take lab photos while keeping social distance

Social Distanceを保って集合写真を撮りました

2020. 10. 26.

We hire a lab tech.


2020. 10. 14.

Introductory book about genome editing is highlighted in "Newswitch" website. Congrats to Dr. Charpentier and Dr. Doudna!

トコトンやさしいゲノム編集の本がニュースイッチで紹介されました ノーベル化学賞おめでとうございます

2020. 10. 1.

Anri Saitoh starts her BS thesis in the lab.


2020. 9. 14.

Dr. Miyaoka is highlighted in "IMIC".


2020. 9. 14.

Diana Cifuentes joins the lab as an intern.


2020. 8. 2.

Host summer special webinar for Hachimanyama Elementary School kids "Aim to be a PCR Master" (Online seminar).

八幡山小学校 夏スぺ!講座「めざせ!PCR マスター」(オンラインセミナー)を開催しました

2020. 6. 9.

Our online science cafe is highlighted in Tosei Shimpo.


2020. 5. 31.

Host a public online science cafe "What is PCR?".


2020. 5. 17.

Open labs for graduate and undergraduate students were canceled. but questions are welcome via email.

2020. 4. 1.

Undergraduate student, Terumi Ono joins the lab


2019. 12. 5.

Contribute to the Standard Protocols on Genome Editing (Yodosha)

実験医学別冊 ゲノム編集実験スタンダード(羊土社)のコラムに寄稿しました

2019. 11. 1.

Highlighted in HEALTHIEST in English version (published by Yakult)


2019. 8. 8.

Special class for elementary school kids is reported by NIPPON Genetics


2019. 8. 1.

Highlighted in the Chichi magazine


2019. 7. 25.

Briefly explain genome editing in Akachan to Mama (Baby and Mom)


2019. 7. 10.

Highlighted in HEALTHIEST (published by Yakult)


2019. 4. 9.

Miyaoka is awarded the MEXT Young Scientists’ Prize

宮岡が文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞を受賞

2019. 4. 9.

NHK-BS1 Genome Science Editing Humanity's Future - GLOBAL AGENDA | NHK WORLD, Japanese version is on air.


2019. 4. 5.

Comments in Yomiuri Shimbun (Newspaper)


2019. 4. 1.

Undergraduate students, Daiki Kondo and Ittetsu Nakajima, join the lab


2019. 4. 1.

Miyaoka is now affiliated with Tokyo Medical and Dental University as an associate professor

宮岡が東京医科歯科大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 連携准教授になりました

2019. 3. 20.

Introductory book about genome editing is published from the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, LTD. (in Japanese)

トコトンやさしいゲノム編集の本 (今日からモノ知りシリーズ) が日刊工業新聞社より出版されました

2019. 3. 2.

Contribute to creation of a TV show, Genome Science Editing Humanity's Future - GLOBAL AGENDA | NHK WORLD


Genome Science Editing Humanity's Future - GLOBAL AGENDA | NHK WORLD-JAPAN On Demand

2019. 2. 28.

Contribute to (and make the cover of) the genome editing issue of the Cells (Japanese journal)


2019. 2. 19.

Lab ski/snowboard trip to Kawaba.


2019. 2. 18.

Institutional Seminar by Dr. Shunsuke Tagami

田上 俊輔博士の医学研セミナーがありました

2018. 12. 26.

Radio NIKKEI Igaku-Koza (Medical seminar series) "New era of iPS cell research" is available via Podcast.

ラジオNIKKEI 医学講座「新たな時代に突入したiPS細胞研究」がポッドキャスト配信されました

2018. 10. 30.

One day lab trip to Yamanashi prefecture.


2018. 7. 6. 

Anri Saitoh Joins the lab as an intern.


2018. 7. 2.

Comment in Nikkei newspaper.


2018. 5. 30.

Institutional seminar by Dr. Arisa Hirano.


2018. 5. 2.

Protocol for detection of genome editing outcomes by digital PCR is published in Methods in Molecular Biology

ゲノム編集結果のデジタルPCRによる検出法のプロトコルがMethods in Molecular Biologyに出版されました

2018. 4. 17.

Our first paper is published in Nucleic Acids Research!!

祝 研究室初の論文がNucleic Acids Researchで公開

2018. 3. 30.

Website of the lab for non-scientists is out (Japanese)


2018. 3. 28.

Our first paper is accepted in Nucleic Acids Research!!

祝 研究室初の論文がNucleic Acids Researchに受理

2018. 2. 23.

Lab ski and snowboard trip.


2018. 2. 14.

Institutional seminar by Dr. Atsushi Miyajima.


2017. 12. 17 & 26.

Organize a Science Cafe.


2017. 11. 21.

Institutional seminar by Dr. Bruce Conklin.

Bruce Conklin博士の医学研セミナーを開催しました

2017. 11. 15.

Our research is highlighted in GEN (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News)

GEN (Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News) で紹介されました

2017. 11. 1.

One day lab trip to Hakone.


2017. 10. 19.

Details of our Science Cafe are out (in Japanese).


2017. 9. 12.

Our website is now mobile-friendly (hopefully...).


2017. 5. 26.

Contribute to the "Newton" Journal Article in July Issue on Genome Editing


2017. 5. 22.

Highlighted in Jikken Igaku May Issue

実験医学2017年5月号のNext Tech Reviewに寄稿しました

2017. 4. 29.

[Hiring is over]We hire a lab tech.


2017. 4. 3.

Gou Takahashi is promoted to a Staff Scientist


2017. 1. 4.

Gou Takahashi Joins the lab


2016. 12. 9.

Commented in Yomiuri Shimbun (Newspaper)


2016. 10. 1.

Highlighted in FOLE by Mizuho Research Institute


2016. 9. 1. 

Tomoko Kato joins the lab


2016. 6. 28.

Our research is highlighted by Bio-Rad


2016. 6. 1.

Our section in Cold Spring Harbor Protocol is published

Cold Spring Harbor Protocolの私達の項が一般に公開されました

2016. 5. 27.

Contributed to Cold Spring Harbor Lab Manual

Cold Spring Harbor Lab Manualに寄稿しました

2016. 5. 16.

Szu Yin Hsu joins the lab


2016. 4. 1.


2016. 3. 31.

Paper Pusblished at Scientific Reports

論文がScientific Reportsに公開されました

2016. 2. 26. 

Paper accepted at Scientific Reports

論文がScientific Reportsにアクセプトされました

2016. 2. 24.

Featured in Nikkei online (in Japanese)

(Registration required but free)



2016. 2. 22.

Research was updated


2016. 1. 4. 

The lab started


Archive: Events

2024. 3. 21-23.

Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine @ Niigata Convention Center (3.22. Poster Presentation; P-17-8)

日本再生医療学会@新潟コンベンションセンター(3/22 ポスター発表 P-17-8)

2024. 2. 9.

CiRA Seminar (Talk in English)

CiRA Seminar (講演、英語)

2023. 12. 6-8.

MBSJ2023 @ Kobe Port Island Minato Maeda (2SP-01-12 (2P-012)) and Lanyu Huang (2SP-08-06 (2P-656)) will present science pitches and posters!

日本分子生物学会@神戸ポートアイランド 前田さん(2SP-01-12 (2P-012))と黄さん(2SP-08-06 (2P-656))がサイエンスピッチとポスター発表を行います

2023. 11. 29.

Kumamoto University Liaison Lab / HIGO Program Seminar (Talk in English)


2023. 8. 8.

Institutional Seminars by Drs. Sayaka Inoue and Masatoshi Inoue from Stanford University (In-person only, Host).

Stanford Univeristy 井上 清香博士&井上 昌俊博士による医学研セミナー(対面のみ、ホスト)

2023. 7. 24.

We will host a Public Seminar by Kazutoshi Takahashi on how iPS cells were generated (in Japanese only).


京都大学iPS細胞研究所 高橋 和利博士 現地&配信

2023. 6. 9.

ddPCR World 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand (Talk)

2023. 5. 29.

Lecture at Rikkyo University.

立教大学 生命理学特別講

2023. 4. 23.

Open labs for graduate and undergraduate students.

東京都医学総合研究所 大学院説明会

2022. 11.30-12.2

MBSJ2022 @ Makuhari Messe (Terumi Ono will have a science pitch and a poster presentation)

日本分子生物学会@幕張メッセ(小野さんがサイエンスピッチとポスター発表します 1SP-23-04)

2022. 10. 5.

Karasuyama Public Seminar "What is PCR?" (Seminar)


2022. 8. 24-27.

CSHL Meeting, The CRISPR/Cas Revolution (Join online from Japan)

CSHL Meeting, Genome Engineering: CRISPR Frontiers(日本からオンライン参加)

2022. 6. 17.

4pm JST- Online Institutional Seminar by Dr. Bungo Akiyoshi from University of Oxford (Host). Let me know if you like to join.

午後4時から University of Oxford 秋吉 文悟博士によるオンライン医学研セミナー(ホスト)参加ご希望の方ご連絡ください

2022. 6. 6-8.

The 7th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing Online (Tomoko Kato's poster: P1-2, Gou Takahashi's poster: P2-13).

第7回日本ゲノム編集学会年会(加藤研究員発表: P1-2、高橋研究員発表: P2-13)

2022. 5. 16.

R&D Support Center Co.,Ltd. Seminar (Talk)

R&D支援センターセミナー (講演)

2022. 3. 19.

The 21st Congress of the Japanese Society for Regenerative Medicine (Talk: SY-38-4)

第21回日本再生医療学会総会(講演: SY-38-4)

2022. 1. 28.

Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Seminar for Young Scientists (Talk)

明治薬科大学 若手研究者講話会(講演)

2021. 12. 17.

Seminar at Saitama Prefectural Kawagoe High School (Talk)

埼玉県立川越高等学校 文化講演会(講演)

2021. 12. 13.

4pm- Online Institutional Seminar by Dr. Keiichiro Ishiguro from Kumamoto University (Host).

午後4時から 熊本大学 石黒啓一郎博士によるオンライン医学研セミナー(ホスト)

2021. 12. 1-3.

MBSJ2016 @ Pacifico Yokohama (Tomoko Kato and Daiki Kondo presenting)


2021. 10. 16.

Seminar for elementary school kids about PCR hosted by the alumni association of Kawagoe High School.


2021. 10. 13.

Karasuyama Public Seminar "What is PCR?" (Seminar)


2021. 9. 14.

Japan Productive Center, seminar for managers (Seminar)

公益財団法人 日本生産性本部  経営ビジョン構想懇話会 (講演)

2021. 9. 2&3.

Graduate School Lectures at Nihon University.


2021. 6. 16-18.

The 6th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing Online (6/18 Online Technical Seminar)

第6回日本ゲノム編集学会年会@(6/18 オンライン企業テクニカルセミナー口頭発表)

2021. 5. 9. 13:00~

Open labs for graduate and undergraduate students. (on Zoom)


2021. 2. 7-9

Interstellar Initiative Workshop 2 (online workshop)

2020. 12. 5

Forum 8020 (online lecture)

8020推進財団 フォーラム8020講演(オンライン講演

2020. 11. 19.

Seminar for Toyama High School Students


2020. 11. 5.

Institutional Seminar by Sadao Ota from RCAST, the University of Tokyo

東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 太田 禎生博士による医学研セミナー

2020. 10. 24.

The 47th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition(Online Educational Seminar)


2020. 10. 16.

Karasuyama Public Seminar "What is PCR?" (Seminar)


2020. 10. 12.

[Canceled] CMC Research Webinar(Online seminar)

[中止になりました] CMCリサーチウェビナー(オンラインセミナー)

2020. 8. 2.

Summer special webinar for Hachimanyama Elementary School kids "Aim to be a PCR Master" (Online seminar).

八幡山小学校 夏スぺ!講座「めざせ!PCR マスター」(オンラインセミナー)

2020. 7. 6. 

[Canceled] Johokiko Co. Ltd. Seminar (Talk, Online)


2020. 6. 25.

Online seminar for Gamagori Junior High School Students

蒲郡市立蒲郡中学校 生徒さんへのオンラインセミナー

2020. 5. 31.

Host a public online science cafe "What is PCR?".

2020. 5. 17.

[Canceled] Open labs for graduate and undergraduate students. Although the event is canceled, questions are welcome via email.

[中止] 連携大学院説明会 「都医学研で修士・博士研究やってみる?」説明会は中止ですが、ご興味ある方はご連絡ください。卒研生もOK

2020. 2. 12.

Institutional Seminar by Hideto Mori from the Yachie Lab at RCAST, the University of Tokyo

東京大学先端科学技術研究センター谷内江研究室 森 秀人氏の医学研セミナー

2019. 12. 20.

Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Department of Clinical Genetics Public Symposium 2019 (Talk)


2019. 11. 25-27.

Frontiers in Genome Engineering 2019, Kobe (Talk)

Frontiers in Genome Engineering 2019, 神戸(口頭発表)

2019. 11. 21.

R&D Support Center Co.,Ltd. Seminar (Talk, Discount available)

R&D支援センターセミナー (講演、講演者割引あります)

2019. 10. 11.

Lab visit by Ochanomizu University Senior High School Students


2019. 8. 19-20.

TRANSMED-VN CONFERENCE 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam(Talk)

TRANSMED-VN CONFERENCE 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam(講演)

2019. 8. 1.

Institutional Open Seminar for High School Students (Lab Tour)


2019. 6. 22.

Hachimanyama Elementary School, Special Class "Aim to Be a DNA Master"

八幡山小学校チャレンジスクール めざせDNAマスター

2019. 6. 26-29.

ISSCR 2019 Annual Meeting in LA (Poster)

ISSCR 2019 Annual Meeting in LA (ポスター発表)

2019. 6. 3-5.

The 4th Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing @ Tokyo (Talk and Poster on 6/4)

第4回 日本ゲノム編集学会年会@東京(6.4に口頭およびポスター発表)

2019. 2. 18.

Institutional Seminar by Dr. Shunsuke Tagami (Host)

田上 俊輔博士の医学研セミナー(世話人)

2019. 1. 23.

Johokiko Co. Ltd. Seminar (Talk, Discount available)

情報機構セミナー(講演, 講演者紹介割引あります

2018. 12. 18.

20:40-21:00 (JST) Radio NIKKEI Igaku-Koza (Medical seminar series) "New era of iPS cell research" (Talk) (On-demand and podcast will be available but in Japanese)

20:40-21:00 ラジオNIKKEI 医学講座「新たな時代に突入したiPS細胞研究」(独演)(放送後にオンデマンド、ポッドキャスト配信あり

2018. 12. 14.

Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Department of Clinical Genetics Public Symposium 2018 (Talk)


2018. 9. 26.

The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society in Kyoto (Talk)


2018. 8. 22-25.

CSHL Meeting, The CRISPR/Cas Revolution (Poster)

CSHL Meeting, The CRISPR/Cas Revolution(ポスター発表)

2018. 8. 1&2.

Institutional Open Seminar for High School Students (Talk)


2018. 7. 4.

Public Seminar for Residents of Tokyo (Host & Talk)

Frontiers in iPS Cell Research

Yohei Hayashi, PhD. Team Leader

iPS Cell Advanced Characterization and Development Team

RIKEN BioResource Research Center,

and Yuichiro Miyaoka (We graduated from the same university at the same time, and did our postdocs in labs next to each other)



国立研究開発法人理化学研究所 バイオリソース研究センター

iPS細胞高次特性解析開発チーム チームリーダー 林 洋平博士

宮岡 佑一郎による講演(大学の同級生・隣同士のラボに留学)

2018. 6. 29.

BIO tech 2018 @ Tokyo Big Sight (Talk)

BIO tech 2018@東京ビッグサイト(講演, BIO-6)

2018. 6. 21.

Institute visit by Minami Tama Middle School Students

南多摩中等教育学校 学生さんの研究所見学 

2018. 6. 18-20.

The 3rd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing @ Hiroshima

第3回 日本ゲノム編集学会年会@広島

2018. 5. 13.

Open labs for graduate and undergraduate students.

東京都医学総合研究所 連携大学院説明会@医学研

2018. 2. 6.

Lab visit by Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School Students


2018. 1. 31.

University of Tokyo, Seminar for Undergraduate Students (Talk)

東京大学 教養学部 自然科学ゼミナール 実験生命科学 (講演)

2018. 1. 24.

Lab visit by Nihon University Students


2017. 12. 17.

Science Cafe @ the Institute (Organizer)


2017. 12. 14.

Meiji Pharmaceutical University, Department of Clinical Genetics Public Symposium 2017 (Talk)


2017. 11. 13-14.

CRISPR & Precision Genome Editing Europe 2017 @ Berlin (Talk)

CRISPR & Precision Genome Editing Europe 2017 @ Berlin(講演)

2017. 10. 21.

Shiratori Preschool (My old school) Talk at a parents' meeting.

恵迪学園 白鳥幼稚園(母校(母園?)) 保護者会での講演

2017. 10. 11.

Visit of Showa Pharmaceutical University Undergraduate Students (Talk)


2017. 9. 29.

The 39th Japanese Society of Biological Psychiatry and the 47th The Japanese Society of Neuropsychopharmacology Joint Annual Meeting @ Sapporo Convention Center (Educational Lecture)

第39回 日本生物学的精神医学会 第47回 日本神経精神薬理学会 合同年会 @札幌コンベンションセンター(教育講演)

2017. 9. 4 & 5.

Bio-Rad's 2nd Asia Pacific ddPCR Symposium in Seoul, Korea

Bio-Rad's 2nd Asia Pacific ddPCR Symposium @ 韓国、ソウル

2017. 8. 1-9.

Asia/Australia Digital Biology Forum seminar tour sponsored by Bio-Rad (Talks)

  8. 1. Sydney, Australia (Garvan Inst of Med Res)

  8. 3. Singapore (AM NUS, PM DUKE-NUS)

  8. 4. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (UPM)

  8. 7. Bangkok, Thailand (Novotel Hotel)

  8. 9. Hong Kong (City University of Hong Kong)

Bio-Rad主催アジア・オーストラリアDigital Biology Forum


  8. 1. オーストラリア・シドニー (Garvan Inst Med Res)

  8. 3. シンガポール (AM NUS, PM DUKE-NUS)

  8. 4. マレーシア・クアラルンプール (UPM)

  8. 7. タイ・バンコク (Novotel Hotel)

  8. 9. 香港 (City University of Hong Kong)

2017. 7. 21-24.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Genome Engineering Meeting (Talk on 23rd)

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Genome Engineering Meeting (23日に口頭発表)

2017. 6. 30-7. 1.

Conference for BioSignal and Medicine (CBSM) 2017 @ Atami (Talk)

第17回CBSM(Conference for BioSignal and Medicine)2017@熱海(講演)

2017. 6. 28-30.

The 2nd Annual Meeting of The Japanese Society for Genome Editing @ Osaka (Oral presentation on 29th)

第2回 日本ゲノム編集学会年会@大阪 (29日午前に口頭発表)

2017. 6. 22.

R&D Support Center Co.,Ltd. Seminar (Talk, Discount available)

R&D支援センターセミナー (講演、講演者割引あります)

2017. 6. 18.

University of Tokyo, Seminar for Undergraduate Students @ Igakuken (Talk) 


2017. 5. 22.

Johokiko Co. Ltd. Seminar (Cancelled)

情報機構セミナー (開催中止)

2017. 3. 24. 

Institutional Seminar by Dr. Kiichiro Tomoda (Host)


2017. 3. 21.

Seminar at Department of Chemistry & Biotechnology, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo (Talk)


2017. 2. 7.

Seminar for Tokyo Gakugei University Senior High School (Talk)


2017. 1. 31.

University of Tokyo, Seminar for Undergraduate Students (Talk)

東京大学 教養学部 自然科学ゼミナール「実験生命科学・細胞を培養しよう」(講演)

2016. 12. 14. 

Meeting for Next Generation Biomedical Technologies @ Institute of Industrial Science, U Tokyo (Talk)


2016. 12. 1.

MBSJ2016 @ Pacifico Yokohama (Luncheon Seminar)


2016. 11. 28.

Johokiko Co. Ltd. Seminar (Talk)


2016. 11. 21.

Komagome-Igakuken Research Conference (Talk)


2016. 11. 16-18.

The 29th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Alternatives to Animal Experiments in Kyushu (Talk)

日本動物実験代替法学会 九州大学(講演)

2016. 10. 31.

Institutional Seminar by Dr. Takanori Takebe (Host)


2016. 10. 12.

BioJapan Yokohama (Talk)

BioJapan 横浜(講演)

2016. 10. 6.

IMS University of Tokyo Seminar (Talk)


2016. 10. 5. 

Science Council of Japan, Genome Editing in Medicine Conference (Talk)

日本学術会議 医学・医療領域におけるゲノム編集技術のあり方検討委員会(講演)

2016. 9. 29. 

University of Tokyo, Seminar for Undergraduate Students (Talk)


2016. 9. 28.

Visit of Showa Pharmaceutical University Undergraduate Students (Talk)


2016. 9. 9.

Bio-Rad QX User Meeting @ Shinagawa Conference Hall (Talk)

Bio-Rad QXユーザーミーティング@品川カンファレンスホール(講演)

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