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ゲノム編集結果の1細胞レベル解析結果をiScience誌に発表 / Study of Genome Editing Results in Single Cells Is out at iScience


 学生の近藤さん、前田さんが非常に熱心に実験を進めてくれ、高橋さんが現場の指揮をとりながらまとめ上げてくれました。森下さんはじめ、On-Chip Bioの方々にも大変お世話になりました。



Even when we try to introduce specific genome editing via homologous recombination induced by CRISPR-Cas9 or other tools, the results will never be as desired. Especially, insertions and deletions at targeted sites as by-products are quite frequent. I have been working on genome editing in human iPS cells since I was a postdoc, and experienced multiple cases where one allele was correctly targeted but the other allele was disrupted by insertions or deletions. I was disappointed every time of that, because these cells could not be used in functional experiments. Through these experiences, I had had a gut feeling that "Genome editing patterns in individual cells are definitely biased!", but I never had a way to directly address that possibility. However, I realized that we have a precise automated single cell dispensor, SPiS, in our Institute, even on the same floor, so we decided to start this project.

Daiki and Minato work hard to push the project, and Gou managed the team effort. Yuji and the On-Chip Bio group kindly helped our project too.

We were able to isolated more than 2,600 clones of genome edited HEK293T cells, HeLa cells, and PC9 cells, and analyzed their genome DNA sequences. As a result, we revealed that the binary nature of genome editing, that is, individual cells tend to undergo either completely no editing at all or full editing in all the target alleles. Moreover, we found that HDR is often accompanied by NHEJ, and it is rare that cells undergo partial editing in which only a part of the target alleles are edited by HDR. These findings are consistent with what I had experienced in almost 10 years of my career as a genome editor. I have isolated human iPS cells homozygously targeted by HDR several times, but it seemed that it was way more than expected based on the overall frequency of HDR. In this study, we were able to address this bias in a statistically meaningful way.

Although the original motivation of this study was derived from genome editing in human iPS cells, we could not use iPS cells as a target material, as cloning of human iPS cells is not easy. We are currently working to monitor genome editing induction pattern in individual human iPS cells too. Anyway, congratulations to Gou, Daiki, and Minato!


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