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2016 Year-End Review

It is one year since I started at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science. Time flies.

Being a PI has been challenging but I enjoy the ride. I appreciate the great support from the Institute.

Good things in science:

We have established a great team of good people in the lab.

Our collaborative work bore fruit (in Cell Stem Cell, Nature Communications, and Nature Medicine).

I have reproduced what I did in the US, here in Japan (iPS cell culture, ddPCR, sib-selection, and etc.) This should not be special, but it was relieving to see things working as they used to do.

Some interesting findings that can lead to good stories.

I gave 20 talks and got to know many scientists.

In non-science:

Our three kids enjoy their school or daycare.

My wife is fully back to work after 5 years leave in the US.

Our financial condition is getting back on track (San Francisco was crazy expensive).

I found a gym near the Institute to play basketball for lunch break.

Challenges in 2017:

Draft paths to papers.

More grants.

More team-building with new people.

I am pretty happy with where we are now after the first year, but still a lot of things have to be done.

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