The 4th Translational Medicine Vietnam (TransMed-VN) Conference in Hanoi

ハノイで開催されたThe 4th Translational Medicine Vietnam (TransMed-VN) Conferenceに参加しました。医学研の所長である正井先生がアドバイザーの一人の会というご縁で、声をかけていただきました。2年前のオーストラリア+東南アジアのセミナーツアーにベトナムは含まれていなかったため、生まれて初めてベトナムを訪れました。東京も暑いですが、ベトナム、ハノイも暑かったです。
学会では、ベトナムで進む細胞移植治療や、AIを使った診断などの先端医療について知ることができました。間葉系幹細胞移植が相当数実施されており、神経疾患などにも治療効果もあるそうで興味深かったです。会場となったBACH MAI病院の見学もすることができました。この病院の建設に日本が出資したそうで、一部の壁は日本の小学生からのメッセージが書かれたタイルでできていました。
I attended the 4th Translational Medicine Vietnam (TransMed-VN) Conference in Hanoi. Because Dr. Masai who is the director of our Institute is one of the advisors of the conference, I was invited. I did not visit Vietnam during the Australia+Southeast Asia Seminar Tour two years ago, so this was my first visit to Vietnam. Tokyo is hot, but Hanoi, Vietnam is hot too, maybe even hotter.
I learned advanced medicine in Vietnam such as cell transplantation therapies and efforts to realize AI-based diagnosis during the conference. A number of mesenchymal stem cell transplantation trials have been done. It was interesting to know that some of these showed therapeutic effects on neuronal diseases. We also had a chance to have a tour of the Bach Mai Hospital, where the conference was held. This hospital was built by Japanese funding and I saw a part of the wall was made of tiles with paints and messages from Japanese elementary school kids.
I enjoyed Vietnamese food too. In addition to the lunch and dinner served at the conference, pho and banh mi at the airport were very good too. Especially, I wanted to try banh mi, so I was happy to have one in Vietnam.